ACKCITY Music... where you get everything music; downloads, videos, beats and lyrics of all music kinds from Hip hop to Inspirational/Gospel

Song Submission
We accept all original songs of any genre from artistes across the world. Our downloads are free.

Before you submit your guest post, please look at our Style/Guide and recent music posts for insight into submitting your music/video and make sure your submission;
  1. Has a clear and precise subject Line
  2. Music is submitted in MP3 format
  3. Video is MP4, standard format
  4. Song submitted must be correlated with the subject/topic, lyrics and short article on the song
  5. Pictures are submitted along article when necessary
  6. External links per posts should not be more than three, and must not be misleading to a gambling sites, pornographic sites, and fraudulent sites. Links must be related to the subject of the of the post
  7. Please do not send us pornography articles. They make us sick inside!
  8. Links and bylines not meeting our standards will be removed.
Accepted Formats
  1. Point of Submission is e-mail. MP3 Attachments are acceptable. Please attach pictures related to song in your email body only
  2. To submit your song, please include “Song Post Request” followed by Song Title in the Subject Line of your e-mail
  3. Word count length should not be more than 250 words
  4. English is the only accepted language for submission
  5. We accept only original content; we will always search with available tools to us to ensure your content has not been published anywhere else on the internet.
  6. Your post must belong to at least one of stated categories or you may suggest a new category for our editor to include

Submission & Links Policies
  • Please take a look at our blogs and search for links related to your post or we will add links by yourself
  • We allow a maximum of three external links per posts submitted
  • Affiliate links are forbidden, we will remove such links
  • You can link to your preexisting posts, website
  • Send pictures only if necessary and related to song
  • All images must be properly attributed and credited to the source
  • Along with your song, make sure to include;
  1. Links to other songs by artiste (if any)
  2. Short bio of song
  3. Related picture

Terms & Conditions
  1. We reserve the right to edit headlines, body copy and anything else on your post. Once you submit a piece of writing to us, it becomes our property.
  2. Songs are usually reviewed and posted within a week of receipt
  3. After we have published your song, you will receive a link of the post
  4. If song is not accepted we will respond within a week
  5. If your submission is successful we will get back within two weeks

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